Disk No 1103 Program Title: SILICON SKY PC-SIG version 1 SILICON SKY is a planisphere that lets you study the night sky as it appears in any region of the world, looking in any direction, and as it appeared on any date you select. It offers two viewing options, Stars+Solar System Objects and Planetarium. There's even an optional cricket sounds accompaniment! The program paints the stars on the screen for most horizons. Then two menus are available that lets you request that solar system objects and constellations be highlighted. Specific planets and the moon are circled, and constellations are drawn in with dotted lines upon request. Usage: Astrological System Requirements: 128K memory , one floppy disk drive, and color graphics (will also support an 8087 chip). How to Start: The program must first be initialized. This is done on computers with 8087 math coprocessors by typing INIT87 (press enter). On computers without math coprocessors, simply type INIT (press enter). A series of questions must be answered to complete initialization. After that, simply type GO87 if you have an 8087 chip, or GO if not. Suggested Registration: $10.00 -- Registration fee brings the next upgrade. The present version displays 35 constellations. Adkins promises all 88 by the next version, along with coordinates, deep sky objects, boundaries of the Milky Way, and a more detailed manual. File Descriptions: ANTLIA Data file AQUARIUS Data file ARIES Data file BOOTES Data file CAELUM Data file CANCER Data file CANES_VE Data file CANIS_MA Data file CANIS_MI Data file CAPRICOR Data file CARINA Data file CENTAURU Data file COLUMBA Data file COMA_BER Data file CORONA_B Data file CORVUS Data file CRATER Data file CRUX Data file ERIDANUS Data file GEMINI Data file GO BAT Batch file to start program for NON-8087 equipped machines GO87 BAT Batch file to start program for 8087 equipped machines INIT EXE Initialization program for NON-8087 equipped machines INIT87 EXE Initialization program for 8087 equipped machines LEO Data file LEPUS Data file LIBRA Data file MONOCERO Data file OPHIUCHU Data file ORION Data file PISCES Data file PUPPIS Data file PYXIS Data file READ ME Documentation SAGITTAR Data file SCORPIUS Data file SERPENS_ Data file SEXTANS Data file SISKY CLR Data file SISKY CNM Data file SISKY DME Data file SISKY EXE Main program for NON-8087 equipped systems SISKY HRZ Data file SISKY XYZ Data file SISKY87 CLR Data file SISKY87 EXE Main program for 8087 equipped systems TAURUS Data file VELA Data file VIRGO Data file VOLANS Data file PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.